After that, we were given off days for the weekend burnt and straightaway after my off I was attached to NCC for their senior specialist course. So so boring! Watching all these sec 3 kids marching and giving commands around the parade square the whole day. Super duper sian. Now I'm gonna go book in later. And I'll only book out on 28 Sept! Kena two consecutive weeks of standby duty. Confined to barracks, cannot nights off, cannot book out, cannot go out of 3km radius. Sian.
Yesterday night had a last min clubbing session. Melvyn Mong jio me go, so I of course brother la, go with him. Didn't regret. Bumped into my army friends there and after I left early, they went for supper together! Haha wth. And I just spent a small fortune on cooking books. After watching that rat cartoon and No Reservations, I've decided im gonna be a chef! Haha, two weeks in camp doing nothing, lots of time to read and learn.
Yesterday night I went to church and though some people came up to me and said they've not seen me in a while, I also notice I'm not the only one people are not seeing in a while. Some of my good friends are missing too. :( When I'm freer, really gotta gather them and have a good meal together. As we grow older things change. The sad reality of life.
I can't even be bothered to type coherently now. Whatever. I pierced my ear too. I don't see why not so don't even start. 8 more months to freedom.

Commandos from 2nd Coy at the AOH '07
We fight for the same country - Red & Black Berets
Better be thankful, I wore a parahute to take photo :p