Qantas is probably going to see more empty planes after that incident they just had. Newspaper reports said that the plane suddenly descended rapidly for 10-12 seconds and passengers and crew not restrained by their seat belts had been flung towards the ceiling along with all sorts of nonsense like serving trolleys, glass bottles and the like.
Crazy stuff. And talking about crazy plane rides, here are some pictures that evoke memories of events that I had just recently laid to rest but keeps refreshing itself in my mind. When I ORDed, Melvyn asked me if I missed army life. My answer then was a direct "Hell no!", but now, maybe I do, just a teeny weeny bit.
The view aboard a chopper and the deafening sounds of its rotary blades beats having high tea at Swissotel the Stamford
Not even economy class - no Singapore Girl to ask us,"Coffee, tea, or me?"
The events that took place after the jump door opened were a blur...Next thing I knew I was floating above a plantation of trees, and had to scream for help before a fellow trooper used a parang and hacked down 3 trees to free me.
(Photos courtesy of my mate WQ Song. Reproduced without permission :p)