My ORD parade was held on 2 May in the Hendon parade square. The ORD Companies opted for a simple ceremony, after much debate on whether we wanted a full-fledged bombastic one, but if we wanted that, our CO insists that all the stunts be done by us and not the juniors. A bit crazy la, make us conduct a raid, do rappelling, carry all the support weapons (OMG just thinking of that already makes me shag), so of course we opted for the simple ceremony.
After the parade, there was a mad rush to return our rifles and book out. In the madness I think I dropped my camp pass. I thought it was a small matter and I would find it. But no, on my actual ORD day, the chief clerk wanted my camp pass in exchange for my pink i/c. To my horror, I couldn't find it anywhere, and worse still, I did not report the loss within 24 hours. I was told to go to the Security Branch and the Head, known as S2, called Manpower Branch aka S1 Br and told him to extend my ORD until I serve the mandatory 3 extra duties. 3 Extra! On my ORD Day! Wah lau eh!
I just stared blankly at him as he issued out my punishment. I was too stunned to react to whatever else he said thereafter. I then quickly made a phone call back home and told my maid to flip my room upside down and find this ID card with Hendon on it. I also went back to my bunk and flip it inside out but I couldn't find anything.
Just as I went back to the S2 Br and was about to accept my fate, my maid called and said she found it. Hallelujah! I almost jumped for joy and punched the air in front of a bemused S2. After collecting my pink i/c finally, I think I was the very last person to do so, I went back to my bunk to pack up my things and prepared to walk out of Hendon Camp one last time.
It was hard saying goodbye to those PTP batch who have 1 more month to serve. But then, who ask them don't take NAPFA. Lazy la, orbi good. Post-NS life has not been any easier. In fact, now I need to motivate myself everyday. I do not have anyone to tell me what time to wake up, what time to eat, what time to sleep. On top of that, I'm attending two bridging courses to gain exemptions for my degree course. So far so good, but as the exam dates draw closer, I become more jittery because I've not been studying much!
In between attending classes, applying for jobs, going for interviews and managing my beloved Liverpool Football Club in FM 2008, I found time to squeeze in a short overnight resort stay with Samski and Ah Son in Nirwana Gardens, Bintan. It was my first time in Indonesia and although the resort was very much like any other chalet, it was a good time of chilling and relaxing and watching movies on Sam's MacBook. Jason brought his monster of a hard drive (500GB! wth do u put inside??) and in between sipping champagne and playing cards, we watched Clash of the Choirs and some other nonsense but entertaining shows.
The funny highlight of the trip for me was how we had to be tactical when going for breakfast. You see, breakfast was complimentary for 2, but there was 3 of us. So... I won't say the exact method la, but all I can say is, looking like you belong there is a very good ploy. :) Alas, I didn't get the tan that I wanted, but I guess most people would say I'm already black enough. I don't think so.
Soccer has been on a regular fortnightly basis. Of course if possible I would wish to be running around and kicking a ball 2 to 3 times a week, but not everyone is unemployed like me. I think after playing together for so long, we can already see the basic understanding within the team is more or less there. Partnering with Ian is fun, not only because of the way he constantly frustrates his own team-mates with his direct running, but he is the most unselfish striker I've ever played with.
Each time he is in an ideal position to strike, he insteads lay it off to me or someone else to finish the job. But having said that, when he does feel like scoring, he does it quite spectacularly. Maybe the rest won't agree, but I like his style of play, maybe because it is so similar to mine! Haha.
My financial reserves are almost depleted and as much as I hate juggling work and studies, I have to do so because I no longer have an allowance from my parents. My mum just gave me a lump sum for my university education and that's about it. Of course it is very tempting to spend the money on nonsensical stuff like an Xbox, a new car, a holiday with my beloved, but that would be very foolish.
I've accepted a one-year contract position with Citibank along with my army pal JJ. Well at least we are in the same predicament and I'm sure we'll work something out with regards to time management. Also, I've been keeping myself fit even after ORD. So I hope all those pre-NS boys will also do themselves a favour and pass NAPFA before enlisting! Here are some pics from the past few weeks.. :p